Monday, 12 March 2012

Software Testing Myths

There are lot of Myths about Testing. I am trying to uncover some of them.
Quality Control = Testing, Sorry testing alone does not comply quality. Quality terminolgy is more than that of testing activity. Quality is the term that mangement speaks and not only tester. Its the process/best practices followed by different teams which will lead to quality product. Tester are Quality gate keepers to only check for quality complaince and give inputs.
By testing 100% defects are/Should be found, sorry this is again a wrong interpretation. We are hear to uncover maximum defects at the early stage. Due cource of time if we use Best Practices and Better strategy we can minimise the issues in the later stage but cannot garuntee 100% defect free. So when you have questions that why was this not found previously. Explain them in a good way about this myth.
Testing is Simple and straight forward, cannot agree, every work has its own difficulty and importance. Anybody and everybody cannot not do everything. If we are destined to do testing, we are good at it. First belive this fact yourself, only then people will start beliving this. You will have to be really really good in your analytical skills to do testing. However, it your bad at it, Testing will help you to get better by your experience
Atomation tesing can replace Human resource, this is a very debateble statement. Again its not at all true. Automation is like to tool to help tester and not to replace him. It helps to do redundant work , where the testers can concentrate on more core issues then doing things which are repetative.
There are a lot such myths which are assumed by people and sometimes even the management. As a tester, we should explain and make them understand the reality. After all we are accontable for removing such myths and beliefs.

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